Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Body is a World Class Lab

I'm conducting ground breaking research on a rare skin disease - (PRP). And I have a great lab - My Body.  It is immediately accessible -24/7...  it reports test results instantly-(no bureaucratic system or Doc filtering delays). . and I have total control in administering, viewing and interpreting results.  Currently, I'm performing tests with Coconut Oil, Vaseline, Acidophilus, Triamcinolone steroid cream, and Prednisone.  The left side of my body excluding head, hands and feet is covered in Coconut Oil and the right side in Triamcinolone Steroid Creme.  Head (hair and face) have Coconut Oil. Hands  have Vaseline.  Feet currently have coconut oil covered with Vaseline.

Results so far?  Too early to tell definitively, but here's what is exciting and encouraging.  Coconut Oil seems to be as effective as the Steroid Creme .. maybe even better.  Vaseline is keeping me walking.  Without it I could only walk on my toes yesterday as my soles were cracked and too painful on which to put pressure.  My hands are way, way better than they were a week ago, before Vaseline, when they were scaling and peeling badly.  As for my face.  A friend exclaimed "you look great .. much better than a week ago" ,, the surprise and enthusiasm mirrored by others with similar responses makes me think this was more than polite, ie: good research evidence.
Who would have thought I would have the chance to reinvent myself as a medical researcher - a fascinating occupation with potentially hugely rewarding benefits to me and others.  For this I give thanks -- to my rare disease .. and a truly world class lab.  To see the results of this research click here.


  1. Interesting insights Hugh.
    With my hands and feet I found that after applying a sorbolene cream in the evening I put my feet in plastic bags and hands in surgical gloves and left them on overnight. The next day I was able to go to work and get through the day (just) After a month or so the cracking was noticeably reduced. Keep up the good fight
    Jim Shortall (Sydney Aust)

  2. Thanks Jim. Just noticed your comment or would have replied earlier. Cracked feet was one of my worst fears as I feared it would make me immobile. Luckily I heard about Vaseline .. not sure where .. probably the PRP list and so I was able to walk with Vaseline in plastic bags. Pretty slippery but better than the alternative!
