Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Killer App

Time flies.  I'm on day 4 of my new treatment plan.  No you didn't miss any posts.  The last dealt with the first day. So we'll catch up with this one.  It's early morning 6:30 AM and I just
stood up from my computer here to go get a snack.  Whoops. Can't do that.  Why?  I am on a "juice fast". What's that. Well that's where you consume nothing but juice. In addition, I'm consuming vegetable broth and will be drinking herbal teas, but haven't gotten to that yet.  I call this juice a "Killer App" because it is so powerful and will, I expect (and hope), not only cure my mysterious rare disease, but help me achieve a new level of health, even beyond that I enjoyed before this disease suddenly struck without warning.  Here's how it works.  You buy a juicer.  Not a blender. Blenders
are fine and I've been using one every day to make my morning breakfast "power" drink" (about 8 fruits and vegetables).  Both machines allow you to consume much more of the vitamins in fresh fruits and vegetables than you could eating the food without blending or juicing.  Both compact the food, removing the air. This eliminates the bulk that would otherwise fill your stomach limiting the intake. The juicer eliminates the pulp.  Nothing wrong with the pulp but it takes up room too.  So what comes out of the juicer is vitamins in very, very concentrated form.  Here's a picture of what goes into one glass of juice.   Actually it's more than I thought when I piled up the food as you can see as the pile didn't fill the glass. So that's Concentration.

Now if this is all you're consuming you've got to drink a lot, all day, to fill your stomach to avoid a feeling of ravenous hunger.  All this means you get a huge Volume of the good stuff far more than you could get by any other method of eating.

The other feature of this Killer App is Variety. Variety is the spice of life and good health.  You may, like I, have read many articles about how this one fruit or vegetable can cure, like, anything?  And some things have special antioxidant properties? And these claims are made for different foods.  Well my approach here is to just go around the grocery store aisle and get all the different  fruits and vegetables I can grab and mostly organic. I may fine tune this later, but none of this can hurt me and I don't have to weigh the competing claims.  Because of Concentration and Variety the amount of good stuff I'm getting is as much or more than I need or so I'm thinking.  You can get a list of what is OK that is not organic and what you really should get organic or avoid because of pesticides here. So here is a picture of just some of the Variety of foods I am eating every day.

A beautiful picture eh? And if this works, what were we thinking substituting Big Pharma's solution with it's unattractive, cold pharmacies for the beauty of nature, to say nothing of the side effects of their treatments which. often sound, to me, far worse than the disease they are purporting to cure?

One more thought. You could argue that the approach here is not All natural and you would be right. The juicer is a man made machine not found in nature.  So here is an example where we can combine the best of Technology and Nature.  It doesn't have to be all one way.

How is this going now that I'm in day 4.  The short answer is surprisingly well for such a radical change.  There are some interesting surprises and things I've never experienced that are both beautiful and a little daunting.  But, I'll leave that for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I used to have a juicer...i made carrot juice and then used the pulp to make pancakes. Now I use the blender only...the fiber is so important, and so much of it is lost with the juicer, so I hope you're eating the fiber too?

  2. Hi Linda
    Fibers good too. Just now going for max concentration, tho just got a new juicer which gives a bit of fiber too.

  3. Hugh, i hope you can still read my msg. I have PRP for almost 18 years and still looking for a miracle.

  4. Hugh, i hope you can still read my msg. I have PRP for almost 18 years and still looking for a miracle.
