Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drug Free?

10/22/13 10AM
Back from my early morning trip to Johns Hopkins to get blood drawn for my Cortisol test to see if it's OK to go off Prednisone completely.  I've cut down from 6 tabs a day to 4 to 2 to 1 to 1/2 over last few weeks.  Looking forward to being "free at last".  No drugs. Just Coconut Oil, Probiotic Supplement and the other stuff: Juicing, Smoothies, Meditation, Exercise.  Good healthy stuff.

A bit of excitement this morning. The Zipcar (rental car -first time I've used them really cool) wasn't there for me to pick up in the garage a block from my house and trying to get the company with my new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (really cool too) was a challenge and then the previous driver drove in exactly at  7:30AM . In the rush hour traffic, I raced across town to Hopkins.  Had to be there at 8AM for this test -  cortisol levels needed to be tested at that time -  didn't know how much leeway I had.  Got in wrong lane to turn left at Caroline St.  But worked out OK as I just cut in front of everyone else and avoided a long line. Amazingly, I arrived at the lab on time and was out of there and back in the garage in 10 minutes. A world record, no doubt, for a visit to Johns Hopkins!

Off to Patient First to  have them take a splinter out of my foot, which I picked up walking in socks on my 150 year old house's wooden floors.  Between my toes and can't do myself. Tried using hand mirror and flash light, but too awkward.  From all the racing around my blood pressure was 180 over 80 when first read, but I brought it down to 134 over 80 by deep breathing (you might try this, drugs to bring down blood pressure are over prescribed IMHO). Doc at patient first says she took something out.  She thinks I have a fungal infection.  Need to keep feet dry. Says get an over-the -counter anti fungal and apply.  Tried to explain I have a rare disease.  She wasn't impressed and said her vote is for a fungal infection.  Of course if I let my feet dry they crack and I won't be walking.  So I have to reject this well intentioned advice.

A friend, reading my Blog,  called to tell me her solution to the dry cardboard feet problem.   Use cheap polyester, not cotton, socks. Cotton absorbs the Vaseline. Well Duh!  I had just discovered that after I applied Vaseline put the socks on and took them off right away the oil was in my socks not on my feet! This morning after I came home from the Doc's and checked my feet they are the best ever.  So her solution works!  This is a big deal as this is the last (I hope) piece of the puzzle. Oh, also, for my hands, I've got on vinyl gloves to hold the Vaseline in. Again the cotton gloves absorbed the oil and defeats the purpose.  Latex gloves are, I believe, a problem. So if anyone knows whether this is a good idea (vinyl gloves).  Please let me know. 

This Blog has been wonderful for heeling.  I've gotten really good input from readers.  Some crucial info including Coconut Oil, from a friend in health care in Nova Scotia, which now covers my body, a warning from a Nurse Practitioner friend about the drug Methotrexate the Hopkins Docs were trying to push on me whose avoidance along with dropping Prednisone now makes me drug free, the socks solution described above etc.  and also all the encouragement and support. Keep those comments and ideas coming!

I am feeling pretty good today. Waiting for my blood test results.  Hoping to be drug free.  Body scan this morning looked good. I've got my routine down.  Takes a bit of time, the juicing, shopping for lots of fruits and veges etc.  But, I'm getting more efficient.   Haven't heard back from Hopkins yet whether they are interested in my non drug plan which appears to be working where their drug solutions don't.  Got my new Schwinn Exercise Bike.  I'll finish assembling that tomorrow.  I'm a little impatient to get this disease over with completely.  But, I'm still only in day 27 of  my treatment plan for a disease which is supposed to last 3 yrs so if I cure it in a couple more months I'll have nothing to complain about.  Meanwhile my life is gradually returning to normal. A good thing indeed!  But, I remind myself, I'm not out of the woods yet.

Thanks for reading!

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