I'm groggy after 5 1/3 hours of straight sleep .. my longest stretch in over a week. A little shaky and losing weight with the juicing fast so I need to email my Naturopath Doc in Nova Scotia about tuning up the diet. More protein and fat? All I'm getting is what's in fruits and veges. But, don't want to mess with success. Body scan shows continued improvement - less redness and bumps reducing. Discussion with Johns Hopkins Derm Doc will be very interesting. She will be surprised.
I see from the mailing list this morning, two members report good results with Methotrexate in reducing symptoms. But not completely and one said it "came back with a rage". So, still appears to me to me a symptom, not a cause "cure" and not a permanent one. And with huge risks from side effects. But curing symptoms here is not a trivial matter as the symptoms - your skin covered with a rash all over the body - prevents this vital organ from carrying out its functions. In addition the symptoms add to stress - not good for health. But, my treatment program which appears to working deals with the cause and should, I believe, end the disease once and for all.
Saturday, I broke free of my confinement to Baltimore. With the juice fasting, I've been kind of tied down, having to make and consume fresh juice. So I made enough for 2 pitchers - around 100 ounces - stored in a temporary cooler created from a styrofoam packing box given to me by a clerk at the Korean food mart (they don't sell coolers and mine must have gone off with my kids) and headed up to Pennsylvania Amish country on a very warm sunny "summery" early fall day to attend the evening's concert of the Lancaster Symphony Orchestra with a friend.
Big day tomorrow as I discuss my rapid (and for her unexpected) progress with my Johns Hopkins Derm Doc. I hope to learn why I wasn't better informed about the drug treatment that she and her associate, my Johns Hopkins primary care Doc, recommended and its quite horrific risks. I also am eager to find out how she regards the competing Alternative treatment that appears to be working so well without the risks that I instead adopted. Will she welcome this., To her, new and radically different approach?
I'll let you know. Til then, thanks for reading!
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